Want to get more energy and lose weight?

Both paleo diet and keto diet are commonly used to achieve this goal… but the difference between these diets will help you choose the best one for you…

The premise of a keto diet is to limit carb intake and increase fat intake in order to raise ketone levels and enter a state of nutritional ketosis… that means getting your body to burn fat as a source of fuel…

A paleo diet is similar in the sense that it also attempts to train the body to burn fat as a source of fuel by increasing fat intake… the difference is that a paleo diet doesn’t limit carbs… instead it limits grains and focuses more on the quality of food…

A paleo diet doesn’t exactly have the goal to increase ketone levels, but it does work to improve your body’s ability to burn fat as a source of energy…

Is Paleo better than keto?

You can actually learn a lot from both diets…

Keto is essentially a more restricted version of a paleo diet in terms of what foods are allowed on a keto diet, which is mostly protein and fat… little to no carbs…

Paleo is more flexible in terms of what foods are allowed on the diet because it allows fruits and starchy vegetables…

Where paleo is more strict is in the quality of food that’s allowed on the diet… it focuses on whole foods, nutrient-dense, toxin-free foods…

This is the key to understand what a paleo diet is all about, and why food quality is the most important part of a diet… it’s also the reason why we prefer paleo over keto…

It’s not that keto is bad per se because we actually use the keto diet within the paleo diet…

The reason why we don’t like the keto diet as commonly defined is because it allows toxic food… it ignores food quality… as long as it’s fat, it’s allowed on the keto diet…

Here’s the problem with that…

The number one reason why people struggle to produce energy and lose weight is because of toxic waste accumulating in the body… Body fat is your body taking toxins and stuffing your fat cells to protect itself… Your fat cells get bigger as more toxins are stuffed into them…

When your fat cells get filled with toxins, they begin to lose the ability to produce energy and burn fat…

That’s why it doesn’t make sense to allows foods into the body that have toxins…

In other words, doing a Paleo style keto diet is possible if you choose to eat whole foods that are both nutrient dense and toxin-free…

Does a Paleo Diet cause ketosis?

One thing to know when it comes to diet is that your body, when healthy, has the ability to either burn sugar as a source of fuel or burn fat as a source of fuel…

We call this being metabolically flexible…

You have the flexibility to use either fat or carbs…

Your body burns fat by producing energy…

If you can burn fat to produce energy you will lose weight on both a Paleo diet or a Keto diet…

… but what happens when you lose the ability to burn fat as a source of energy?

When your body loses the ability to burn fat as a source of energy it become metabolically inflexible…

You lose the ability to enter nutritional ketosis…

It doesn’t matter if you do a Paleo diet or if you do a Keto diet because the problem has more to do with having to fix a broken metabolism…

Why does the body lose the ability burn fat?

… because of toxins!

That’s why food quality is more important than deciding to go keto, paleo, vegan, carnivore, whole 30, or the next fad diet…

A more important question is what does it take to enter nutritional ketosis?

Or, what does it take to be able to burn fat as a source of energy?

If you can answer that question, then both a Paleo diet or a Keto diet will work to give you more energy and lose weight…

If you can’t burn fat as a source of energy, then neither diet will work…

    2 replies to "Paleo Diet VS Keto"

    • Joeseph Vance

      I did keto for two years and went from 297 to 195… I started Keto in Feb of 2019. Right now I’m at 214 and struggling to get back on keto! Would Peleo work for me? I’m 67 yrs. Old and I’m 6 ft tall.

      • Jorge Zarate

        I don’t think keto is good to do long term. I know it’s very effective short term, which is what makes it so appealing.
        The biggest problem is that keto doesn’t pay attention to the quality of food.
        The most important part of a paleo diet is that it does pay attention to the quality of food. You can do a keto diet Paleo style meaning that you would actually look into the source of your food.
        One of the ways I leaned down so much was eating just grass fed ground beef, sauerkraut and avocado.
        I know some people need variation, but this is what I did…
        The biggest thing to note is that I didn’t buy beef from the grocery store… I don’t trust them…
        I got if from a local farm in Arizona…
        I also made my own sauerkraut… same reason, I don’t trust store bought and I know that I’m actually getting real probiotics by making my own…
        About the only thing I was buying at the store during my lean down season was avocados.
        Our food supply wasn’t this bad before… Paleo is attempting to bring back the good ol’ days…

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