Why Getting Started with a Paleo Diet Isn't the Same for Everyone

Your starting point is unique...

This is why you won't be able to find specific diet information that work for you... 

Just because it worked for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you...

A big part of following a Paleo diet is to cut back on carbs and increase your fat intake...

... but what if your body has lost its ability to burn fat as a source of fuel?

You probably shouldn't start with eating more fats... you should probably start with improving your fat metabolism...

A Paleo diet also includes fermented veggies which is a good source of probiotics...

... but what if you have a histamine intolerance?

You probably don't want to start with fermented foods...

The point is, whether you go gluten-free, increase your fat intake, add fermented foods to your diet or follow any Paleo protocol depends heavily on your starting point...

What is your digestive system able to do?

Many people looking into a Paleo diet are unable to properly digest food...

If you get gas, bloating or constipation then those are the signs your body is telling you that it's lacking the raw materials it needs to digest and break down food...

Think of it this way...

If you cut into an apple, it will soon begin to self-digest and break down...

How would you preserve an apple and keep it from self-digesting iteslf?

You dry it, don't you?

The reason why dried fruit can be stored for long periods without self digesting is because it's dehydrated...

Dehydration halts digestion...

This is why hydration is the most important part of any diet...

Proper hydration is needed to digest and break down food...

You can put together a "perfect Paleo diet", but if you are dehydrated, then your body won't be able to digest the food you eat...

If you can't digest the food you eat, then you won't be able to get energy from food...

Proper Hydration is the first step to make a Paleo diet work for you

A Paleo Diet works because it's a tool that helps you create an environment for healthy probiotics to grow in your gut...

One of the key elements to create the proper environment is cleanliness...

If you drop food on a dirty floor, would you eat it?

You wouldn't because you know it's been exposed to bad bacteria...

You know that bad bacteria thrive in a dirty or toxic environment...

When people ask me why I put so much emphasis on hydration is because of the role that water plays in our body...

Could you imagine doing dishes without clean water?

It would be almost impossible to clean dishes without clean water, wouldn't it?

It's no different in your body...

If your gut gets dirty, the only way for your body to clean it is if you drink plenty of clean water...

If you don't drink clean water, then your gut will become toxic which creates an environment for bad bacteria to grow...

Bad bacteria is considered bad because it doesn't digest food for you... bad bacteria steals nutrients from food...

When you have a lot of bad bacteria in your gut, you can't produce energy, vitamins or hormones from the food you eat...

Instead, you end up with gas, bloating, or constipation...

It doesn't matter how good you are at following a Paleo Diet if you are dehydrated because you will create a toxic environment in your gut and won't be able to properly digest the food you eat...

Hydration helps you create an environment in your gut for probiotics to grow, but also helps you digest food...

Why you must improve digestion before starting a Paleo Diet

Before I started with a Paleo Diet, I seriously thought that digestion was something that your stomach would do...

I thought I just had to chew food as much as possible and the stomach would take care of the rest...

My success story started when I realized that digesting food depended on my ability to create an environment for probiotics in my gut to break down the food I ate...

This environment depends mostly on your hydration which is composed primarily of clean water and minerals...

Minerals are the main nutrients you are looking for in food and your drinking water... 

Water without minerals won't help you digest food...

Eating food without minerals is harder to digest for the same reason...

You need minerals to digest food...

The amount of minerals you need depends on the type of food you eat...

Eating fat requires more minerals than eating carbs...

This is key to understand before starting a Paleo Diet because a big part of a Paleo Diet involves eating more fat...

Eating more fat only works if your body is able to burn fat and produce energy from fatty acids...

If you can't burn fat, then your body will likely feel tired all the time...

Eating more fat when your body can't burn it, can drain your energy levels even more...

This is why some people are able to start a Paleo Diet and feel a difference right away, while others don't see results or feel worse...

It's not about what food you should eat... it's about what food you can digest...

Paleo Recipes That Give You Energy

Before taking a single bite of any Paleo recipe you must ensure your body has all the minerals it needs to digest the food you eat...

The main purpose of eating food is to get energy...

The cells of your body are designed to store energy... 

Think of a AA battery... its purpose is to store energy, but how do you use the energy stored in the battery cell?

You use a conductive mineral like copper to power up equipment, don't you?

Your body works the same way...

You need conductive minerals to be able to use the energy it stores...

Notice how hydration is the foundation of every Paleo success story on this site...

If you ignore hydration, then none of the Paleo Recipes I'll share on the next page will work for you...

In fact... notice how all the Paleo Recipes that actually work, do so because they help you clean your gut and stay hydrated...

That's the big secret...

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