Fruits are generally accepted on the Paleo Diet, but there is one key thing to look for in apples… what makes the Paleo diet different than other diets is that it places more emphasis on the quality of food you consume…

There are different varieties of apples and understanding the basics will help you choose the right apples to go with your Paleo Diet…

The paleo diet is about eating the way our ancestors did…. while apples have been around for thousands of years, there are apple varieties that didn’t exist until recently…

The type of apples you’ll want to look for are Heirloom apples… these are apples that can be traced back to at least 50 years… these apple varieties have been preserved for generations…

What’s the difference between heirloom apples and “regular” apples?

When you go to the grocery store, you’ll find apple varieties that have been hybridized… they take different apple varieties and mix them together to get certain attributes like making an apple sweeter or more tart…

These hybrid apples are no longer in their original or natural forms because their genes have been changed to get these attributes…

Think of it this way…

An apple seed contains all the information it needs to grow into an apple tree and produce fruit… that information is like software on computer… it has instructions for what needs to happen…

These new apple hybrids have genes (“software”) that we don’t really know how they affect our genes… all we know is that more people now than ever are feeling tired all the time, gaining weight more easily, dealing with inflammation and all kinds of gut related issues…

Few people like you are finally starting to look into food and making a connection between our overall health and the food choices we make…

Our ancestors did not have to worry about hybrid apple varieties… they didn’t have to worry about other fruits like bananas being seedless… many people don’t even know that real bananas (heirloom bananas) are seeded…

When you start to change your diet to include foods that our ancestors ate, you too will start to find that you have more energy, you’ll find it easier to stay lean and toned, and your overall health will be much better…