When your body produces energy, you burn fat and lose weight

I had my phase of yo-yo dieting...

The more I share my story, the more I find that many people identify with my old self when I was a "dieter"... 

The good thing about being a "dieter" is that it leads us to search for answers on what we can do to feel good in our body...

I had low energy, poor sleep...

Was gaining weight no matter what...

Had brain fog...

Hair falling off... 

... and I could go on... 

These warning signs my body was throwing at me is what people relate to...

... but it's my old way of thinking that makes people realize, that my old self is the archetype of who they are being right now... 

It's the old self they too are in the process of letting go of...

It's the change they need to make to become a "Paleo Success Story"...

If you can relate to this, then you will soon find out why you struggle with diet, low energy, weight, and what to do about it...

This is what my old self was like... 

Meet George
(archetype #1)

We'll call him George... George is a "dieter"... don't be like George... George:

Thinks in terms of feeding his body
Doesn't eat food unless it says "low fat"
Thinks salt is bad
Thinks eating healthy is expensive
Spends a lot of money on supplements thinking he'll find one that will fix him once and for all
Relies on doctors to help improve his health
Relies on labs to tell him what's wrong with him
Allows social situations to set him back (birthday parties, holidays, friends & family gatherings, etc.)
Strives for perfectionism (counts calories, weighs himself constantly, beats himself for missing a workout...)
Eats out of emotion when things in life aren't going well
Thinks all food is created equal
Follows food recipes that worked for others
Doesn't take responsibility for his own health

What made it hard for George to see his flaws was that everyone around him thought the same way about diet...

Everything he was doing was considered "normal"...

He would go to the grocery store and buy food based on price... what's on sale?

In his mind there was no difference between conventional beef and beef with nutrients...

He saw no difference between conventional fruits and fruits with nutrients...

He didn't know how to tell if food had nutrients...

He thought that buying "organic" food meant he would be eating healthy (which is not the case by the way...)

George was overwhelmed with nutritional education out there that it was easier to just keep doing what he was doing...

This is why George had to constantly seek out supplements to get the nutrients that he would typically get from food...

This is why George was a dieter... it's easy to follow recipes and not have to think about how food works...

He thinks that the right combination of foods + supplements is how you eat healthy...

... but it doesn't work because food without nutrients wrecks the probiotics that live in your gut...

If the probiotics in your gut are unhealthy, then almost nothing you do will help you get energy or lose weight... 

George was stuck in a loop where he would eat food based on a diet, including paleo, keto, vegan, carnivore, whole 30, low carb... he wouldn't pay attention to the actual nutrient content of food and therefore was wrecking his gut and in constant need for supplements...

He would go see health professionals and they would recommend him get labs and take supplements like probiotics, iron, selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc and other trace minerals...

He thought eating healthy was expensive, yet he was spending hundreds on supplements and thousands on health professionals...

Despite trying everything he was told, he was still deficient in vitamins, had low energy and low hormone production...

He felt tired all the time... 

Low energy eventually led to him losing his ability to burn fat and so he started gaining weight non-stop...

His ability to produce hormones dropped to the point he started to struggle to fall and stay asleep... his hair started falling off... his depression and anxiety went through the roof...

That's when George had a realization...

His transformation happened...

Meet Jorge
(archetype #2)
Success Story #10

Jorge thinks and looks so different many people don't realize that Jorge was George at one point... George was a dieter, Jorge simply chose to be healthy... 


Thinks in terms of feeding the probiotics that live in his gut
Sees fat as premium fuel for the body (eating fat makes you lean)
Knows minerals from salt are essential for the body to function
Sees value in buying food with nutrients
Has no need for supplements
Understands the need to be your own doctor even if you still want to seek out health professionals...
Relies on his body to tell him what's wrong with him more than labs...
Is healthy regardless of social situations (birthday parties, holidays, friends & family gatherings, etc.)
Strives for progress, small steps and constantly improving... (doesn't feel guilty when he fails - yes, he does fail because he's not perfect)
Works on developing his eating habits
Not all food is created equal... he cherry picks what's best for his body
Designs recipes that WORKS FOR HIM even if others think that his diet won't work for them
Takes full responsibility for his own health

Jorge operates from a completely different perspective than George... 

While George was trying to feed his body, Jorge realized that he had to feed the probiotics that live in his gut...

The foods he chose were no longer based on what his body desired... his food was based on what his probiotics needed to grow healthy...

Jorge understands that probiotics are what produce energy for the body...

Energy production is what allows the body to burn fat...

Energy production means probiotics are healthy and functioning properly... 

Healthy probiotics means your body can produce vitamins and hormones... 

Probiotics balance hormones and build muscle tissue...

Just like growing a healthy tree, if you want to grow a healthy body, you need to feed the probiotics that live in your gut...

The probiotics that live in your gut work just like the probiotics that live at the root of a tree... 

They are the same probiotics!

This is why it's not about calories in, calories out... 

It's not about the protein and carb to fat ratio...

It's not about the perfect Paleo diet recipes...

The health of probiotics has more to do with the environment you create in your gut because that's where probiotics do the work to produce energy...

The environment in your gut and the health of your probiotics is primarily affected by these 5 factors...

Probiotic strains in the gut (and bad bacteria/parasites that need to be removed)

Think of it this way...

If a tree gets dehydrated, it will start to wilt... leaves will start turning brown and begin to fall off...

If your body gets dehydrated, it will start to wilt... hair will start to thin and fall off... 

Same with temperature... if temperature drops, leaves start to change color and fall off...

When body temperature drops, your body's ability to digest food drops... that's why people who have cold extremities tend to feel tired all the time and have a hard time losing weight...

It's the sum of these factors that determine the environment in your gut... 

The environment in your gut is what determines the health of your probiotics...

The health of your probiotics is what determines your ability to produce energy, burn fat, grow hair, produce hormones... it's what determines if you are healthy...

If your probiotics are weak, you'll likely grow bad bacteria in your gut which will create toxins, inflammation, gas, bloating, constipation, food allergies, and a laundry list of things...

If you eat a Paleo diet, but don't fix gut issues, then you may not lose weight or get energy...

It's not because a Paleo diet doesn't work... it's because getting more energy and losing weight depends on the health of your probiotics not just the food you eat...

That's why it's better to be healthy than to be a dieter...

Being healthy is all about taking care of the probiotics in your gut...

The purpose of being on a Paleo Diet is to create an environment to grow healthy probiotics in your gut...

A dieter will simply look for Paleo recipes and eat them blindly...

Being healthy means you understand how the food you eat will help you grow healthy probiotics in your gut...

Paleo recipes suddenly become tools that you use to accomplish your goals...

Eating a Paleo Diet without this knowledge will likely fail long term...

Learning how to grow probiotics in your gut can make almost any diet work... Paleo, Keto, Plant Based, Carnivore, etc...

Paleo is still the most balanced...

If done right, Paleo will be a huge stepping stone for you... 

Not everyone will be fully Paleo... 

Some will be more plant based, some will be more animal based... this is dependent on your starting point...

The question you need to answer is, what do your probiotics need most right now?

That's what this site is about...

Whether you are looking to lose weight, get more energy, sleep better or just feel good in your body, the key is to focus on growing healthy probiotics in your gut...

All the paleo success stories on this site have one thing in common... 

... they all shifted their focus from using Paleo as a diet to using Paleo to grow healthy probiotics in their gut...

You won't believe how easy it is to get more energy and lose weight once you make this shift...

Even though they all followed a Paleo diet, their diets differ because they each had a different starting point...

Continue to the next page to learn more about using the Paleo Diet for weight loss...

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