Paleo Diet for Weight Loss

A Paleo Diet is commonly sought after by people looking to get more energy, lose weight, balance their hormones or improve their digestion...

Regardless of the goal, none of this happens unless your body can produce energy...

Probiotics are what produce energy
and burn fat

Probiotics are cells...

Think of probiotics like living battery cells that produce and store energy for you...

Probiotic cells produce energy from either glucose (sugar) or fatty acids (fat)...

When cells grow old, they become inflexible meaning they lose the ability to burn fat as a source of fuel...

This is what a broken metabolism looks like...

When cells are only able to burn sugar as a source of fuel, they do so with a lot of waste... they create toxic byproducts which then begins to create an environment for bad bacteria to grow...

Signs of this happening are inflammation, gas, bloating, constipation, soreness, and others...

The inability to lose weight, feeling tired all the time, getting poor sleep, brain fog, and hair loss start happening when you ignore the initial signs of a broken metabolism... 

Think about this for a second...

When you eat food, you are feeding your gut flora...

This can be either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what lives in your gut...

If your gut flora is composed primarily of good, healthy probiotics, then that is a good thing...

... because probiotics will take the food you eat and produce energy...

When they produce energy, your body burns fat...

Staying lean & toned is almost effortless when your gut flora is made up mostly of healthy probiotics...

Now think about the opposite...

What happens, when you have bad bacteria in your gut?

At that point, it doesn't matter how nutrient dense the food you eat is...

It doesn't matter if it's a Paleo Diet recipe, keto, vegan, carnivore...

None of that matters...

... because if you have bad bacteria in your gut, then you will be feeding that bad bacteria...

Why is bad bacteria considered bad?

... because instead of producing energy for you, they steal nutrients from food and create toxic waste...

That toxic waste makes your body toxic...

Your body has to protect itself from that toxic waste... and the way your body protects itself is by storing toxins in your fat cells...

Your fat cells then grow bigger and bigger as your gut flora produces more toxins...

You are not fat, you are toxic

Changing the environment in your gut to cater to healthy probiotics is the key to a Paleo diet for weight loss...

People who attempt a Paleo Diet without understanding this foundational principle fail... 

... because they will seek out recipes, supplements and will eat anything labeled "Paleo", not knowing how it's affecting their gut flora...

Everything that you eat will either grow probiotics in your gut, or it will fuel bad bacteria in your gut...

This obviously depends on your starting point...

If you have a healthy gut and start eating a Paleo diet, then you will notice a boost of energy right away...

If you have bad bacteria in your gut as you start your Paleo diet, then you may not lose weight at all... 

It's not because the Paleo Diet doesn't work... it's because of your gut flora...

People with low energy levels have a harder time losing weight for this reason... they need to focus on getting rid of bad bacteria and growing healthy probiotics first...

Becoming a Paleo Success Story depends on your ability to grow healthy probiotics in your gut...

How to grow healthy probiotics that produce energy and burn fat...

The purpose of going on a Paleo Diet is to use it as a tool to grow probiotics in your gut... it's not about cutting out grains, eating more fat or boiling diet down to eating anything you can hunt or grow...

Once you understand this, you'll start to see why there are variations of the Paleo diet... some will call it "modified paleo"...

It's because some people can't digest certain foods...

The Paleo Diet calls for eating more fat, but what if you can't digest fat?

You have to look at your starting point...

For example...  the autoimmune paleo (AIP) diet includes fermented foods and beverages...

If you have a histamine intolerance, then you can't be eating fermented foods just because they are "Paleo"...

You may have to start with a low histamine Paleo diet and work from there to grow healthy probiotics...

Many will argue that grains are to be avoided on a Paleo Diet, but that's not entirely true...

Fermented grains are a great way to grow probiotics... it's not the grains that are bad... is the type of grains used... 

Heirloom grains are different than modern day grains... 

If you want to understand more about why people avoid grains on a Paleo Diet then check out the book Wheat Belly, by William Davis...

In the book he mentions that the heirloom variety of wheat called Einkorn, is the original wheat variety... it only has 14 chromosomes compared to the 46 chromosomes found in the modern day variety of grains...

It's why they call modern day food, franken food...

The Paleo Diet will teach you about real food VS fake food...

The Paleo Diet is about eating the way our ancestors did... our ancestors didn't have gluten sensitivities because the grains they consumed were heirloom grains like Einkorn which didn't have the hard to digest gluten of modern day varieties... 

It's hard to find heirloom grains, which is why the modern day Paleo Diet says to just skip grains altogether... 

This is more advanced, but again, it's all about probiotics...

You can't grow healthy probiotics in a toxic environment... 

You can't grow healthy probiotics with nutrient-less food...

Probiotics need minerals and raw materials like fat and cholesterol to produce hormones for you... 

Hormone production is energy production...

Energy production is required for your body to regenerate itself... it is needed for your body to produce new probiotic cells that can burn fat to produce energy...

If you can't produce new cells, you will end up with old cells that are inflexible and can't burn fat as a source of energy...

Without healthy probiotic cells...

You can't uptake nutrients
You can't lose weight
You can't reduce inflammation
You can't balance your blood sugar
You can't digest food
You can't produce energy
You can't build muscle
You can't balance your hormones
You can't strengthen your immune system
You can't have mental clarity or good mood

Going on a Paleo Diet isn't about buying expensive foods... it's about sourcing nutrient rich foods that help you grow probiotics in your gut...

You will likely have to ditch your convenience grocery store and source local to find these foods...

It may seem inconvenient at first, but once you start to feel your energy levels increase and your sleep improve, you start to feel good in your body, you will then continue making a shift towards being healthy...

It's not about getting it perfect from the get-go...

You are not changing your diet, you are changing your lifestyle...

What if you only incorporate one thing at a time and you notice an improvement in your energy levels... would that motivate you to incorporate the next step?

The very first thing I started with was hydration... clean water and minerals is all it takes... 

This is how you can begin to create an environment for healthy probiotics to grow...

Growing healthy probiotics in your gut is the most effective way to get more energy and lose weight...

It's so simple, most people are shocked at the results they experience just from this one addition to their diet... 

This is the beginning of your Paleo Success Story...

Want to learn how to grow healthy probiotics in your gut to get more energy and lose weight?

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