Probiotics are cells...
Think of probiotics like living battery cells that produce and store energy for you...
Probiotic cells produce energy from either glucose (sugar) or fatty acids (fat)...
When cells grow old, they become inflexible meaning they lose the ability to burn fat as a source of fuel...
This is what a broken metabolism looks like...
When cells are only able to burn sugar as a source of fuel, they do so with a lot of waste... they create toxic byproducts which then begins to create an environment for bad bacteria to grow...
Signs of this happening are inflammation, gas, bloating, constipation, soreness, and others...
The inability to lose weight, feeling tired all the time, getting poor sleep, brain fog, and hair loss start happening when you ignore the initial signs of a broken metabolism...
Think about this for a second...
When you eat food, you are feeding your gut flora...
This can be either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what lives in your gut...
If your gut flora is composed primarily of good, healthy probiotics, then that is a good thing...
... because probiotics will take the food you eat and produce energy...
When they produce energy, your body burns fat...
Staying lean & toned is almost effortless when your gut flora is made up mostly of healthy probiotics...
Now think about the opposite...
What happens, when you have bad bacteria in your gut?
At that point, it doesn't matter how nutrient dense the food you eat is...
It doesn't matter if it's a Paleo Diet recipe, keto, vegan, carnivore...
None of that matters...
... because if you have bad bacteria in your gut, then you will be feeding that bad bacteria...
Why is bad bacteria considered bad?
... because instead of producing energy for you, they steal nutrients from food and create toxic waste...
That toxic waste makes your body toxic...
Your body has to protect itself from that toxic waste... and the way your body protects itself is by storing toxins in your fat cells...
Your fat cells then grow bigger and bigger as your gut flora produces more toxins...