Paleo Recipes to Get More Energy & Lose Weight

A Paleo Diet is commonly sought after by people looking to get more energy, lose weight, sleep better or improve their digestion...

Regardless of the goal, energy production is a pre-requisite for overall health...

You can't burn fat if you can't produce energy

Probiotics are cells...

Cells produce energy from either glucose (sugar) or fatty acids (fat)...

When cells grow old, they become inflexible meaning they lose the ability to burn fat as a source of fuel...

When cells are only able to burn sugar as a source of fuel, they do so with a lot of waste... they create toxic byproducts which further creates an environment for bad bacteria to grow...

Signs of this happening are inflammation, gas, bloating, constipation, soreness, and others...

Paleo recipes that give you energy can only work if they help you get rid of these old inflexible cells and replace them with new cells...

To replace old cells with new cells you must be able to produce energy...

People with low energy levels have a harder time losing weight for this reason...

This is why becoming a Paleo Success Story depends on your ability to grow healthy probiotics in your gut so that you can produce energy and build new cells...

Designing Your Paleo Diet

The template to follow when designing a paleo diet is simple...

You can learn a lot by looking at what ancient cultures ate following a whole food diet of a hunter gatherer... aka a Paleo Diet...

One of the best examples is the German diet...

The Germans had it right when they came up with their traditional Bratwurst and sauerkraut meal...

The formula to take away is:

Meat + fermented vegetables...

Meats give you the protein and fats that your body needs to produce hormones...

Why it works?

... because, to produce hormones, your body needs saturated fats and cholesterol... these are the raw materials it needs...

I didn't understand this before I started on a Paleo diet... I used to only eat foods that were labeled "low fat"...

I used to think saturated fat and cholesterol were bad...

I would eat lean meats and veggies thinking that chicken and turkey were healthier than beef or fish...

I was "a low fat warrior"...

Looking back, I now see why I ended up with low hormone production...

I was avoiding fat, cholesterol and I was chronically dehydrated... 

That's the opposite of what I needed to do to produce hormones and get more energy...

At the time I wasn't able to digest protein, so this meal wasn't an option when I first started...

Some people can't start out with this meal because they can't eat fermented vegetables...

Your starting point with a Paleo Diet depends on what you can digest... 

Once you improve your digestion, you can start to follow Paleo recipes...

I keep my diet very simple...

Recipe #1

Grass fed ground beef seasoned with mineralized sea salt + sauerkraut

Personally, I can eat this every day and not get tired of it... 

... but I know others need variety...

One variety you can do for the recipe above is to add eggs, avocado and sauerkraut..

If you have issues with dairy, you can skip eggs... 

Note that, I do not buy eggs from the grocery store... I get them from a local farm... there's a big difference which you'll learn about later...

Recipe #2

Salmon Avocado Salad


Wild caught smoked salmon

Organic avocado

Organic greens (baby spinach, arugula, etc.)

Organic feta cheese

Organic hemp seeds

Wild organic blueberries


3 tbsp organic olive oil

2 tbsp coconut aminos

1 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp raw tahini

1 organic lemon (juice only)

Celtic sea salt to taste

Not all food is created equal

Some people will argue that some of these foods (like dairy) are not paleo... 

Some will avoid bacon...

Some people will prefer more of a plant based diet than an animal based diet...

If you want Paleo to work for you, you need to learn how to use food as a tool...

... because your diet should be based on what works for you not what works for someone else...

Food combination is important, but more important is the nutrient content of food...

If you can get this one thing right, everything else will fall into place...

The only reason why should avoid any food groups is if you can't digest them...

If you can't digest dairy, then you should avoid dairy...

If you can't digest gluten, then you should start out gluten-free... 

If you can't digest gluten, it doesn't mean that gluten is bad, it means that you can't digest gluten... the solution to this problem isn't to avoid it... that's temporary... the solution is to fix your digestive system so that you can digest gluten...

Same for dairy, fermented foods, fats or any food group you can't digest...

Not all gluten is bad... not all carbs are bad... not all fats are bad...

There are bad fats, bad gluten, bad carbs... bad foods... you'll learn more about these later...

What's important to know now is that most people lose the ability to digest foods because they consume foods that have no nutrients... 

Take dairy for example...

Most people that consume milk will only drink store bought pasterurized milk... 

This type of milk comes from a breed of A1 cows that produce a much harder to digest protein and are fed a diet that's lower in nutrients...

Furthermore, pasteurizing milk will destroy the probiotics naturally found in milk that would help digest it... 

Even worse... most of the nutrients in milk are found in the fat and most people will drink skim or 2% milk because they think that fat is bad for them...

In other words, they are drinking nutrient-less cow water from not so healthy cows...

Compare conventional milk with traditional paleo style raw milk...

For starters, the type of dairy cow breed you would look for to source your milk would be breeds that produce A2 milk (Jersey, Guernsey, Charolais, Brown Swiss, etc.)

These cow breeds produce milk with an easier to digest protein...

People who raise these types of cows usually do so using regenerative farming practices... don't assume that they do, but check that they are raising these cows in open range fields with grass that grows on healthy soil full of minerals and healthy probiotics...

Depending on your digestion, you may choose to drink raw milk... but if you have digestive issues, then you may choose to ferment into yogurt, kefir or cheese... or skip dairy altogether when you start...

Probiotics produce energy for you

Notice a pattern that everything revolves around growing healthy probiotics?

The purpose of going on a Paleo Diet is to use it as a tool to grow probiotics in your gut... it's not about cutting carbs, eating more fat or boiling diet down to anything you can hunt or grow...

Autoimmune paleo (AIP) recipes include fermented foods and beverages...

Many will argue that grains are to be avoided, but that's not entirely true...

Fermented grains are also a great source of probiotics so long as you are using heirloom grains... this is more advanced, but again, it's all about probiotics...

You can't grow healthy probiotics with nutrient-less food...

Probiotics need minerals and raw materials like fat and cholesterol to produce hormones for you... 

Hormone production is energy production...

Energy production is required for your body to regenerate itself... it is needed for your body to produce new cells...

If you can't produce new cells, you will end up with old cells that are inflexible and can't burn fat as a source of energy...

Without healthy cells...

You can't uptake nutrients
You can't lose weight
You can't reduce inflammation
You can't balance your blood sugar
You can't digest food
You can't produce energy
You can't build muscle
You can't balance your hormones
You can't strengthen your immune system
You can't have mental clarity or good mood

Going on a Paleo Diet isn't about buying expensive foods... it's about sourcing nutrient rich foods that help you grow probiotics in your gut...

You will likely have to ditch your convenience grocery store and source local to find these foods...

It may seem inconvenient at first, but once you start to feel your energy levels increase and your sleep improve, you start to feel good in your body, you will then continue making a shift towards being healthy...

It's not about getting it perfect from the get-go...

You are not changing your diet, you are changing your lifestyle...

What if you only incorporate one thing at a time and you notice an improvement in your energy levels... would that motivate you to incorporate the next step?

The very first thing I started with was hydration... clean water and minerals is all it takes... 

It's so simple, most people are shocked at the results they experience just from this one addition to their diet... 

This is the beginning of your Paleo Success Story...

Want to learn how to get more energy and lose weight?

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