These three paleo diet success stories did one thing different…

Cutting out carbs, getting enough protein, or eating more fat is not what created their paleo diet weight loss results… they all tried just about everything, but nothing worked until they made this one shift in their diet…

It’s the one thing in common all three of them have that turned them into a paleo diet weight loss success story…

Here’s the big question for you…

Are you looking to be on a diet or are you looking to be healthy?

See if you can spot this one pattern in these stories…

Meet Itza – Weight Loss Success Story #1

Itza was struggling with Hashimoto’s….

She used to work out a lot… doing P90X, keto, yet she was still gaining weight not understanding why since she felt she was eating clean and exercising as much as she could…

She wasn’t sleeping well… she would fall asleep at work… had brain fog… her hair started falling off… skin started to get dry…

She would get terrible puffy bags under her eyes… looked bloated… and she described this as “the most horrific thing she’d been through in her life…”

Doctors told her that it was because she was 40, but she made up her mind that there had to be a different way…

Once she started making changes to her diet she found she had more energy, better cognition and started to lose weight…

Itza Paleo Diet Weight Loss Success Story

Meet Priscilla – Weight Loss Success Story #2

When Priscilla first came to us, she was super frustrated… she had tried all kinds of different diets including the paleo diet, the keto diet, HCG diet..

She would hop on the scale and feel depressed that she would see the scale going up instead of down even though she was eating everything her diet told her to eat… she would feel less motivated, frustrated and left her in a bad mood…

In reality she felt like she was starving herself and having a lot of cravings…

She got to the point where she started to think that maybe this was just the way she was designed… ever since her second baby she hadn’t been able to get back to her ideal weight…

… but all of that changed when she started making simple changes to her diet like improving her hydration… she started to fit into her clothes and liked the way her clothes fit…

PS when she says “beer diet” she’s not talking about drinking beer… but, it’s what she did to get more energy and lose weight…

Priscilla Paleo Diet Weight Loss Success Story

Meet Cindy – Weight Loss Success Story #3

Cindy was feeling pretty hopeless and defeated thinking this was going to be her new way of life…

She shared pictures of her when she’d wake up and would look like she was six months pregnant and she wasn’t pregnant, but didn’t know why her body was doing that…

She tried so hard and struggled to lose weight so much, she thought it would never come off…

Then she started making the changes we talk about here at Paleo Success Stories, which starts with proper hydration… she started to notice her sleep improve, her hair was no longer falling out, and she had energy through out the day…

She then started to share he progress pictures…

Cindy Paleo Diet Weight Loss Success Stories

It was awesome watching her progress as she improved her energy levels, her sleep and weight just started to melt off…

Did you see the pattern?

You may have noticed that none of them talked about specific paleo diet recipes…

Instead, you will see all the success stories on this site talk about hydration, vitamin D and giving their body the nutrients it needs…

Here’s why this is so important if you want to become a Paleo Diet Weight Loss Success Story…

Weight loss doesn’t happen by restricting foods like cutting grains out of your diet or eating more fat…

It’s not about finding the right Paleo Diet recipes…

It doesn’t happen by reducing calories…

To lose weight, you need to have the ability to produce energy… why?

… because the way your body burns fat is by producing energy….

That’s why people who have low energy have a harder time losing weight…

You can’t burn fat if you can’t produce energy…

That’s why you’ll hear us say that just because it’s “paleo”, it doesn’t mean that it’s good for you… or that it will work for you…

If you want to make the Paleo Diet work for you, then you need to start thinking in terms of “does the food I eat help me produce energy?”…

When you get your body to produce more energy, your body will start losing weight (the healthy way)…

Click continue to read about the one thing you need to get more energy and lose weight…

    2 replies to "Paleo Diet Weight Loss Success Stories"

    • Terresa Peery

      Need to lose weight and more energy please help

      • Jorge Zarate

        Have you read our Energy & Fat Loss Blueprint?
        (just sent you an email)

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