If you want to lose weight and looking for a diet to do so in a healthy way then you may start coming across these two diets: Keto & Paleo…

In this blog post I’m going to share with you the most effective way to lose weight in a healthy way so that you look good in your body…

The way we think about food here is a little different…

Rather than trying to say that one is better than the other we are going to break down how these diets work and why they help you lose weight…

Hint: You can lose weight in a much healthier way by doing what I call a keto diet paleo style…

So let’s start with first understanding why people gain weight to begin with…

Why do fat cells grow bigger?

You have a fixed amount of fat cells… fat cells don’t replicate… they expand… why do they expand?

When your body becomes toxic it will stuff that toxic waste into fat cells to protect itself…

The more toxic your body is, the bigger your fat cells… the bigger your fat cells, the more toxic your body…

In other words, people gain weight because they accumulate toxic waste in their body…

The two biggest sources of toxic waste are the food you eat, and your gut flora…

The food you eat determines the type of flora that grows in your gut…

Your gut flora determines how toxic your body is…

If you can grasp this, then you have the foundation to lose weight with Paleo, keto or just about any other diet out there…

… because losing weight is not about doing a specific diet as much as it is about getting rid of toxic waste from your body…

The more toxic your body, the lower your energy levels… this is key to understand because your body burns fat when it produces energy…

If you can’t produce energy, then you can’t burn fat…

This is why people with low energy levels struggle to lose weight…

Do you lose weight on a Keto diet?

As people grow older and don’t pay attention to the toxicity levels in their body, they start to lose the ability to burn fat… the cells of their body stop producing as much energy… they end up feeling tired all the time, with brain fog, and if it gets bad enough, they will start to lose their hair…

I know because this is exactly what happened to me… this is where I started… I couldn’t lose weight no matter what…

When you are at this point, you actually can’t do keto… not because keto is bad… not because keto doesn’t work… but because if you can’t burn fat as a source of energy, then eating fat isn’t a good idea…

The idea behind a keto diet is that you put your body in a state of nutritional ketosis… this is when your ketone levels are high enough that it “forces” your body to burn fat as a source of energy…

This may work well for people who are healthy… but if you have a broken fat metabolism, then it won’t work… at least not efficiently…

If you attempt a keto diet when you can’t burn fat as a source of energy, your energy levels will plummet…. that’s not good…

So what do you do instead?

How to lose weight on a Paleo Diet

Eating a paleo diet isn’t like eating keto where you just eat more fat and restrict carbs at all costs…

If you want something that actually works, then forget anything you’ve learned about losing weight… there’s no need to cut out carbs, count calories, eat low fat, or any of that nonsense…

Instead, shift your focus to eating foods that give you energy because energy production is how your body burns fat…

Paleo isn’t about eating more fat or cutting out foods from your diet as much as it is about eating the way our ancestors did…

This goes beyond just saying eat beef and potatoes… it’s not just about looking up Paleo Diet Recipes…

Instead, you start to look at the quality of the beef that you eat… our ancestors did not feed grains to cattle… that’s why saying that “eating beef is paleo” is not accurate…

Our ancestors raised their cattle on pasture… their cattle was 100% grass raised and 100% grass finished…

They didn’t have to label it either… it was the only thing available…

Doing Paleo seems hard to many people because you can’t find these foods at most grocery stores… it’s a huge wake up call to look and notice what our food system has become… most food sold at grocery stores doesn’t have the amount of nutrients that it did before…

Why does this matter?

… because the amount of energy you produce depends on the amount of nutrients your food has…

Did you know that fruits are able to grow with just 3 minerals?

Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (NPK)… Look at any commercial fertilizer and you’ll see these as the main ingredients… This is what’s wrong with our food supply… we can grow food devoid of minerals…

You need minerals to get more energy… you need to produce energy to burn fat…

Food without minerals is weak… that’s why they have to spray pesticides and other bad stuff… that’s what makes that food highly toxic…

… and what happens to that toxic waste?

It ends up in your fat cells…

Doing a keto diet will train your body to burn fat, yes… but the keto diet doesn’t care about the quality of food or source of fat…

If you scour Pinterest for keto diet recipes you’ll see a lot of “dirty keto recipes” that use cream cheese and all kinds of fats that aren’t exactly that healthy… many people who go on a keto diet, will burn a lot of fat initially, but it will soon catch up to them when their body becomes toxic and their gut flora changes from being mostly probiotics to growing bad bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, parasites or other nasty critters…

It’s not keto per se that’s bad… it’s the quality of food…

If instead of just doing keto, you incorporate the Paleo mindset to only eat fats that are clean, healthy and that come from a good source, then you have a recipe to not only lose weight, but to keep it off and most importantly be healthy… eating clean fats will help your body grow healthy probiotics…

Growing healthy probiotics in your gut is the most effective way to get more energy and lose weight…

If this makes sense and you want to give this a try, then here are some Paleo Recipes that will help you get more energy (and lose weight)…